Monday, 21 February 2011

What do you value in a woman, who you dance with?

Question and answer from an interview with Fabian Paralta

Que valoras en la mujer cuando bailas?

Primero agradezco a la bailarina el compartir ese tango que me provocó invitarla a bailar, lo que valoro fundamentalmente es la entrega, si se da eso, puedo disfrutar el baile hasta con gente que recién empieza a bailar.
Lo que importa es el abrazo, no es solo conducir, es la entrega, es abrir un canal.

What do you value in a woman, who you dance with?

I am grateful that she values the same kind of tango as this provoked my invitation in first place. Then, the thing I value the most, is the "entrega". If this is achieved, I can have pleasure even when dancing with beginners. The connection (abrazo), not leading per se, but the "entrega", this is waht opens a channel (between us).

I prefer not to translate the word "entrega" - I want to avoid the possible misinterpretation. Better use the original word "entrega", and defining what we mean by it. As far as I understand the use of the word by the dancers of tango argentino, it is the same meaning that I put in "passive following". Passive mot in a sense of not participating, of slow or heavy movement. Only passive to the energy, comming from the leader, not fighting it, but using it. The lady just correctly channels this energy to create beutiful movements, instead of trying to generate that energy by using her muscles.


  1. well said

    i use the term
    "contract of engagement"
    though it is a bit formal...

  2. I like to think of it as "committing to the leader's dance", although I know that's not a very exact translation.
