Tuesday, 25 January 2011

Fabian Peralta & Lorena Ermocida - "Tango Argentino en el Moran" Jan 2011

So let's see how the new couple performs from 'high tango' point of view . . .

First, Lorena is taller than Virginia, and this should enable better level of body to body natural walking synchronization (see the literature for 'inverted pendulum walking model', or simply read my publication about its application to tango). In short, this is the phenomenon when two humans with attached torsos are physically inclined to walk in synchron. To stop with the theory, this simply means their 'natural' step length will be similar, providing less need for the connection to correct the possible deviations. But, in the same time this creates the danger of losing the connection from time to time. The 'use it, or lose it' principle is in effect here. Dancers must be aware of it and work against it. If there is not enough interraction in the step, the connection may become loose unintentionally. As it is seen in the video, this is probably what happens. Let's see:

All in all, they are on the verge of becoming miscoordinated. In fact, they are often miscoordinated, although slightly, and all is well masked as they are both very experienced dancers. Still, this is not what a really good dance looks like. Maskimg the problems does not solve them. There are many moments where he is trying to catch on with her, as she is racing ahead - or at least this is my impression - but I see no visual evidence he is leading her in many places. Maybe it's choreographed, at least partially. But even if it is, it is better for the lady to follow the lead the same way as in improvisation, to be able to show the specific depth of movement, specific "look" of it, as in good improvisation by tango masters. Examples of unconvincing stuff can be found at 0:58, 1:52, 3:40 etc.

Saying this, I don't mean to say the dance is bad. Instead, I mean dancers of their level should do far better. I am used to see better quality from Fabian and his parthner, whoever she is. I am not used to see him that kind of almost helpless, almost powerless, almost boring . . .

In the second clip, things are a bit better, as they use close embrace more, but still. almost none of the playful moves go through in the manner they are supposed to. See the situation at 1:23, this is simply not good. No matter if they are big names. The quick little steps at 2:17 can be performed much better too. And all this is, because the lady is following actively, which is a "mortal sin" in high tango :-) There are many more not so good situations in the dance, no need to show them all.

Fortunately the normal, slow, standard steps look good. Which is to be expected in the end. But the inability to do the things in a more playful manner is very talkative - their (most likely her) technique is not optimal, at least from the point of view I present here. The more usual steps are performed in a well trained manner, so they look fantastic. But still, this is only the surface . . . there is no deeper content - fortunately for Fabian and Lorena there are not many people able to see it - but I am sure he can feel it.

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